Blog | 25-Mar-2021
Nature’s Choice for Peri-menopausal Symptoms & Women Health

Nature’s Choice for Peri-menopausal Symptoms & Women Health
FenuSMART® is an extract from fenugreek seeds (GRAS listed kitchen spice), titrated 30% saponins, 10% protodioscin, trigonelline and 3% 4-hydroxydestine.
FenuSMART® Benefits for Womens
- Helps to reduce the peri-menopausal discomforts
- Helps to improve the quality of life
- Helps to keep the hormonal balance
- Helps to manage hot flashes
- Helps to boost libido Provide energy and vitality Helps to manage healthy lipid profile
- Supports healthy hemoglobin & calcium levels
References and publications
Begum SS et al., (2016). “A novel extract of fenugreek husk” (Fenusmart alleuiates postmenopausal symptoms and helps to establih the hormonal balance: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study “phytoterapy Research, doit 101002 ptr 5680