Cocozen ® - Proprietary Coconut Sap Powder

Proprietary Coconut Sap Powder
Proprietary coconut sap powder (Cocozen ®), derived from the coconut palm tree, has been found to have potential benefits for cardiovascular health. A recent study conducted on middle-aged and older adults suggests that consuming coconut sap powder may help to lower risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease.
Cocozen ®
"Based on our studies so far, the ingredient has been shown to possess immense potential in the area of sports performance and endurance," Emmanuel Nambusseril, chief marketing officer at Akay Natural Ingredients, told Nutralngredients-USA. "It is also showing great potential for the aged population. It is the sweet, water-soluble, low glycemic index and also a source for various vitamins and minerals."
Coconut Sap Extract
Previous research has shown that Cocozen lowers and reverses oxidation-induced alterations in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells, increases circulating antioxidant biomarkers in young healthy adults and reduce oxidative and inflammatory markers associated with kidney disease in preclinical animal models.
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